In the previous part we’ve applied the real time patch to the kernel and compiled the required modules. Now, we will test the latency of the system and the I2C support.

Latency benchmark

Let’s run a timer latency benchmark program written by Philippe Gerum and provided by the Xenomai test suite.
The latency test should display a message every second with minimal, maximal and average latency values.

root@x3n0B0mb:~# echo 0 > /proc/xenomai/latency  
root@x3n0B0mb:~#  latency -p 100 
== Sampling period: 100 us
== Test mode: periodic user-mode task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT|  00:00:01  (periodic user-mode task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|----lat min|----lat avg|----lat max|-overrun|---msw|---lat best|--lat worst
RTD|      2.000|      3.000|     17.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     17.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     23.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     23.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     21.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     23.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     22.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     23.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     20.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     23.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     25.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      2.000|      3.000|     24.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      2.000|      3.000|     21.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     25.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     23.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     24.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     22.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     23.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     25.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     25.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     27.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     27.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     20.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     27.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     18.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     27.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     21.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     27.000
RTD|      3.000|      4.000|     21.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     27.000
RTD|      2.000|      3.000|     24.000|       0|     0|      2.000|     27.000

As we can see from the above command, the system has a 3 microsecond latency and a maximum of 27. If we stress the system and leave it for a few hours we won't get more than 40 microseconds latency.

Testing the I2C support

In order to test the I2C interface, we need a sensor which supports this protocol. If you don't have it, just try to load the I2C development and the serial controller modules.

root@x3n0B0mb:~#  modprobe i2c-bcm2708
root@x3n0B0mb:~#  modprobe i2c-dev
root@x3n0B0mb:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: G  
i2c_dev                 5931  0 
i2c_bcm2708             4074  0 
root@x3n0B0mb:~#  i2cdetect -y 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --                         

If nothing is connected to the Raspberry Pi the grid should be empty.